Thursday, February 21, 2008

Observation: weirdo

Yesterday the wind chill where we live was below zero. And when I say below, I don't mean close to zero degrees Fahrenheit or minus 2 or 3. I mean 30 below. But we still managed to meet up after work (read that: Andre walked the 20 minutes to where I was and then we walked the 20 minutes back together while I waffled on about an afternoon meeting I'd been in and some XSLT work I'd gotten some help figuring out), and we even managed to make it to the shop for some groceries--which is not, by the way, on the way home.

As I paced up and down, greedily checking out the choices, Andre finally exclaimed, "You're such an addict!"

I ignored him, a little, and made some selections. And we shuffled around.

"No," he said in some sort of disbelief, "I mean, you're really really addicted."

"I know," I said, blush-filled and guilty already about the choices I'd made.

We were standing in the potato chip aisle.


andre said...




An Unreliable Witness said...

Totally off the point, this, but I know what XSLT is.

Yes, I'll repeat that. I actually know what XSLT is. I have been hearing it in meetings for the past fortnight or so.

Oh God, has my life really come to this?

Ani Smith said...

I can't believe AUW knows what XSLT is. I thought he was an artist!

I feel duped.

Pass the Lime Tostitos, please.

Anonymous said...

For a long time I thought this blog was real, then I got to the end of it and read the text down there, so now I pretend it's the only true blog in the universe. Hurray for that!

andre said...

this blog is real