Thursday, January 24, 2008

For Example

on the way to the supermarket, just now, for wine and other necessary staples, we spent the entire below-zero walk laughing and trying to come up with ideas for a new project called "notes my girlfriend left me."

my suggestion wasn't received all that well:

i'll file this one under--that's why i'm no cult blogger.


andre said...

I know I love you because of that time when I said I would always protect you from the evil gherkin and then one night we went out for a fancy meal and I forgot to stab to death the evil gherkin on your plate.

But still you forgave me (eventually).


An Unreliable Witness said...

Your boyfriend is a cult blogger?!


Are you dating Colin from Humdrum, then?

An Unreliable Witness said...

P.S. That reminds me that I must check my washbasin.

Ani Smith said...


I know I love you --

because I read your site even though you get 10 hits and I get 10,000.

because I let you use my prized black felt-tip to doodle this note.

because I comment on your creepy posts when everyone else is too frightened to do so.

Oh no, wait, that last one is someone else, I think.

An Unreliable Witness said...

Right. I can stay silent no longer. I have tried to be polite, and not mention it. But a joke's a joke, and this one has gone too far.

I would like to inform the owner of this blog that this post contains a post-it note. As all bloggers know, I have copyrighted the use of post-it notes in, erm, posts.

Thus I am suing.

Unless I get a free felt tip pen touched by the man himself.

Ani Smith said...

Yesssss. That felt-tip will go for umm, like a lot on e-bay!