Friday, January 25, 2008

We're RICH!

I spend my days at university teaching writing and working as an assistant editor for a digital archive. To do these things, I don't make very much money.

My boyfriend gets paid to sit around and doodle all day.



andre said...

I am the luckiest boy alive.


andre said...

and if anyone in the publishing world asks you must tell them that I work 10 hours a day on my doodles and they take ages to do because I am such a perfectionist and I never ever sit around the house in my elephant slippers just looking at you.

I am a dead professional doodler and my 'art' always comes first.

An Unreliable Witness said...

It's his status updates that I love.

"Waves to people in offices"
"Has just got up"
"Is going back to bed"

They fill me with a great feeling of warmth.


andre said...

shut it Simons


(i have been awake since 6.30 am today)

Ani Smith said...

I'm starting a new blog, too. It's called: www.ihateandrejordanbecausehedraws